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Start Your Day Off Right Series 1/24

Here is some food for your Daily Bread!

1/24–Start Your Day Off Right Series


1/24–How Far You Have Come


1/24–The north wind and the sun argued which was the stronger. On seeing a traveller they agreed a suitable test would be to strip him of his cloak. First the wind blew with all his might, but the more he blew, the more than man wrapped the cloak tightly around himself. When the sun’s turn came, he gently beamed at the man, who loosened the cloak. The sun shone brighter still, and the man threw off his cloak.


2 Timothy 2:24-26

And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.


The Contest Between The North Wind And The Sun

The north wind and the sun argued which was the stronger. On seeing a traveller they agreed a suitable test would be to strip him of his cloak.

First the wind blew with all his might, but the more he blew, the more than man wrapped the cloak tightly around himself.

When the sun’s turn came, he gently beamed at the man, who loosened the cloak. The sun shone brighter still, and the man threw off his cloak.

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Also Check Out Sermons at under Bro Dale Cantrell

If You Knew That Your Days Are Numbered

–If You Knew That Your Days Were Numbered

A man in Iowa discovered that he had terminal cancer. For weeks he moped around the house avoiding loved ones, inwardly cursing God and wondering why this tragedy had happened to him.

Then one day he made a decision: “I am not dead yet, and I am going to live each day to its fullest the rest of my life.”

Sometime later, when he was interviewed, he said he had experienced a more abundant life in the weeks after that decision than during his prior 42 years-colors seemed more vivid, the laughter of his children more bright and precious.

One suggestion he gave to help others with terminal illness was, “Consider each day as a gift from God; enjoy it fully.”

Also Check Out Sermons On Dale Cantrell YouTube And Please Subscribe:

Check Out Books By J D Canter in Amazon And Kindle:

Also Check Out Sermons at under Bro Dale Cantrell

Start Your Day Off Right Series 1/23

Here is some food for your Daily Bread!

1/23–Start Your Day Off Right Series


1/23–Church Signs:



A college student was in a philosophy class which had a discussion about God’s existence. The professor presented the following logic: “Has anyone in this class heard God?” Nobody spoke. “Has anyone in this class touched God?” Again, nobody spoke. “Has anyone in this class seen God?” When nobody spoke for the third time, he simply stated, “Then there is no God.”

One student thought for a second, and then asked for permission to reply. Curious to hear this bold student’s response, the professor granted it, and the student stood up and asked the following questions of his classmates: “Has anyone in this class heard our professor’s brain?” Silence. “Has anyone in this class touched our professor’s brain?” Absolute silence. “Has anyone in this class seen our professor’s brain?”


Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.


The photographer for a national magazine was assigned to get photos of a great forest fire. Smoke at the scene hampered him and he asked his home office to hire a plane. Arrangements were made and he was told to go at once to a nearby airport, where the plane would be waiting. When he arrived at the airport, a plane was warming up near the runway. He jumped in with his equipment and yelled, “Let’s go! Let’s go!” The pilot swung the plane into the wind and they soon were in the air. “Fly over the north side of the fire,” yelled the photographer, “and make three or four low level passes.” “Why?” asked the pilot. “Because I’m going to take pictures,” cried the photographer. “I’m a photographer and photographers take pictures!” After a pause the pilot said, “You mean you’re not the instructor?”

The Lesson Of The Unscrupulous Salesman

An enthusiastic but somewhat unscrupulous salesman was waiting to see the purchasing agent of the engineering firm where my husband worked. The salesman was there to submit his company’s bid, or price quote, for a particular job. He couldn’t help but notice, however, that a competitor’s bid was on the purchasing agent’s desk. Unfortunately, the actual figure was covered by a can of juice. The temptation to see the amount quoted became too much, so the salesman lifted the can. His heart sank as he watched thousands of BB’s pour from the bottomless can and scatter across the floor.

Also Check Out Sermons On You Tube Under Dale Cantrell And Please Subscribe:

Check Out Books By J D Canter in Amazon And Kindle:

Building Take Skill, Tearing Down None

Also Check Out Sermons at under Bro Dale Cantrell 

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